Never Broken Always Lucid.

The "NBAL" way of life stem from a combination of the environment that we grew up in and life experiences. No-one cares what your story is, so remain focused on what you really want out of this life, and don't let anything break you mentally. Stay LUCID.

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"Eli is the epitome of Dreaming Lucid."

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Never Broken Always Lucid

Your circumstances aren't more powerful than you!

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Dream Lucid

"Look around you, everything that's here stemmed from an idea. Don't underestimate your thoughts."

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The Foundation

Giving back isn't what we do, it is who we are.

  • "Lucid Living".

  • "Your Dreams Should Make You Smile".

  • "Being Selfless Is A Way of Life".

  • "A Lucid Lens".